Saturday, February 23, 2013

Children's book

I am writing a children's book to compliment my "Power of Words" presentations.  Here is y rough draft. Please give me feedback!

Children’s book

 Title: Words Have Power
(Not illustrated, pics of me and real people.)

Hello, my name is Jennifer Lynn Adams.

I was born with missing limbs. (Pic  of me as a baby.)

I grew up in a big family. (pic of my family)

In a small town. (Pic of small town)

I use a wheelchair to get from place to place.  (pic of me in my wheelchair)

When I am at home I move around outside of my wheelchair. (pics of me at home)

When I was a kid, other kids would tease me because I looked different.

Being teased hurt my feelings and made me scared to go to school (sad face pic)

When I grew up and went to college (pic at PLU)

I made friends who spoke kind and true words to me.  (Pic of college friends)

They said “You are beautiful.”  “You’re life has purpose.” “Your story will change lives.”

Their kind words and friendship took away the hurtful words said to me in school and made me happy to be me! (happy pic)


POWER TO BULID UP! (pic build up)

 OR TEAR DOWN! (tear down pic)

Your good words and kind actions are POWERFUL!

The same way my friends help me, you can help others be happy too!!


Start now! (pic starting line)

Watch the power of your good words and actions

Build up other’s around you! (pic of happy kids)

Say it out loud!

“I will use my words to build others up!” “I will use my actions to help others around me!.”


The end

New thing!

This week was both challenging and thrilling!!  I am stepping up too the plate in a whole new way with my speaking business.  I'm already signed up for 5 events next month!  There is a new season ahead of change and adventure!! God is doing a new thing!! Last night, my roommate Ariel and I were talking, and I said "Our lives are changing right before our eyes." And she said "Our lives will never be the same again."  That is good news.  I have a whole new perspective for the next 10,20,30,40,50, 60 years of my life, and beyond into eternity.  God has laid a foundation through trials, discipleship, challenges, and learning experience in my life, and it is strong and sturdy, only a work that His Spirit could do. Now, just like a ninja, or warrior, I must take everything I have learned and put it into action.  Living for God is so exciting!!  I have seen through the experiences of my life, that people as they age tend to decrease in passion and creativity. They get increasingly less inspired, more complacent. They begin to digress rather than progress.  Jesus said if you try to hold onto your life, you will lose it, but if you lose your life for the Gospel, you will find it. I am seeing the truth of this in action in my life.  I am heading upwards, and I give my life to God to use for His purposes!! I am progressing towards all that He has for me!  I have plans to write a children's book, to compliment my presentations in schools.  May you also discover the joy of laying down your life.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

What defines you?

I spent the whole weekend at the encounter conference.  It was amazing!!  But there was a struggle in my spirit the whole time.  The struggle was more like an argument between God and I. God saying "I love you. You are pure and spotless and loved." I'm saying "But remember when I did that bad thing or remember how this happened to me."  It wasn't till I got home and started to do some soul searching and praying for revelation, that I put my finger on what was causing me to feel unsettled.  It's kind of been a lifelong struggle of feeling generally unsettled.  I'm sure you can relate. I realized that my struggle was that I always try my best to appear as though I have it together. I want to be seen by others as beng a good person who does no wrong. The truth is, this is exhausting and ultimately ends up in shame because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It is so much better to boast in my weakness than to try to appear strong.  I am a sinner, and the only thing that makes me right is the blood of Jesus.  So I will allow Him to be perfect and I don't have to hide my faults and flaws, or my past because God is using all of it for His glory.  He is writing a beautiful story through me and the pages of my story are covered with glitter!!  He shines as strength in my weakness, so I don't have to stuff down or repress my weaknesses or faults, because they do not hinder me from shining. They show others that no matter what you have done, or what has happened too you, or how disfuctional your family is, you are loved, healed, cleansed, and made perfect through the blood of Jesus, shed for you.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


This is my rough draft for the Ms. Wheelchair WA day of interviews and platform speech. Please provide feedback.

Miss Wheelchair Washington

Potential, opportunity, advocacy, favor, beauty, growth, connection, purpose, vision

What is the vision for being Ms. Wheelchair Washington?

·         To shine!

·         To have more opportunities to grow my business

·         To spread the message of SHIFT

·         To use the arts to build self-esteem

What is SHIFT?

·         Motivational speaking business which bears the message of “The Power of Words.” Our words and action are powerful to build up a life or tear it down, to include or exclude.

·         Our weaknesses may be what we are self-conscious of, but our weaknesses are the very thing that shines in the world.

·         People think that having no arms and legs is an impertinence that it is something that needs to be fixed, but it’s not. It’s a gift to inspire others to pursue their full potential. If I can live a full life, you can.

·         I have fought hard to know who I am and sought hard. Many people have encouraged me. I have had the wonderful privilege to find the gem of my identity. I want to help others discover the gem of who they are, whether able bodied or disabled.

What is my message?

·         There is something really amazing worth finding beyond our limitations

·         SHIFT peoples mindsets to see the power of inclusion

·         Give everyone who wants to shine, a chance to shine

·         Words have the power of life and death, to build up or tear down

Platform speech

·         Background

·         Experience with the power of words in my life

·         Starting SHIFT

·         Vision of SHIFT

·         What I would do as Ms. Wheelchair WA

·         Song